A dual counting and vision system
publié le vendredi 30 octobre 2020
During its second season of its X-DAYS digital event, Marchesini showcased its Valida technology, an electronic counting machine equipped with a dual counting and vision system to verify the shape, colour, height and active ingredient of the tablets in order to provide total control over the counting process.
This machine uses a new system for counting and verifying the integrity of tablets, known as Multivision. This artificial vision system is composed of four video cameras which check the tablets sliding along the channels from above, verifying that they are of the correct shape and colour ; one video camera which checks the height of the tablets via laser triangulation, allowing any non-conforming products to be rejected ; and photocells to check that the individual pill has been rejected and not the bottle. Valida can be used not just as a counter, but also as a pre-loader installed on the Integra 320 blister line. In this case, thanks to a laser triangulation system, Valida is able to recognise the thickness of the product and even reject tablets that are broken precisely in half, with one side completely intact but the other partially or completely missing. Under these conditions, a traditional video camera which only scans the upper part of the product would not be able to detect the error.
Part of 651 issue – October 20. All rights reserved except agreement written by Emballage Digest or mention of the magazine