Bormioli Pharma doubles the use of sustainable materials
publié le lundi 25 avril 2022
The use of recycled glass and plastic, and bio-based plastics, has indeed reached 32%, compared to 16% in 2020, a result that well positions the company to achieve the goal declared last year of using 50% sustainable raw materials in production by 2025.
« We believe that sustainability must be pursued through concrete and measurable actions, » commented Andrea Lodetti, CEO of Bormioli Pharma. « The acceleration we gave in 2021 to achieve the target is a sign of this commitment, but also of the growing interest we are gathering from the pharmaceutical industry ».
The doubling of the share of sustainable raw materials has been made possible by a substantial increase in the use of recycled glass, and a concurrent increase in products made from responsible plastics, first and foremost rPET. More in detail, in 2021 Bormioli Pharma recorded a 20% increase in sales of sustainable plastic products compared to 2020.
Bormioli Pharma can now offer three different product ranges with lower environmental impact. In addition, Bormioli Pharma continues its constant research activities, such as its participation in Glass Futures, a project that aims to define new industrial standards for reducing emissions in glass manufacturing.
This commitment is part of a broader approach to responsible company management that Bormioli Pharma will report with the publication of its first Integrated Report based on ESG dimensions, scheduled by mid-year.
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