Lumson sponsors a cause against cancer
posted Monday 19 September 2022
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s'abonnerLumson supported Race for the Cure, the biggest event in the fight against breast cancer in Italy and the world organized by Komen Italia. Three days of free events and initiatives for health, sport, and solidarity culminate on Sunday with the traditional and exciting 5 km run and 2 km walk through the streets of Bologna’s city center.
Save My Kiss was developed in collaboration with Cosmetec and Grafiche IMP to support the Association. It’s a soft lip balm enriched with natural oils, hyaluronic acid, shea butter, and vitamin E and formulated with Betterikal F, the exclusive antibacterial contained in a red heart within the stick. A natural formula enclosed in a delicate white tube adorned with the partners’ logos.
With the help of Cosmoprof, the three Polo companies have been supporting Komen Italia for years now with the knowledge that personal self-care becomes even more important for patients battling cancer: for these women, a beauty treatment isn’t just a means to rediscover confidence in their femininity and accept the changes in their body, but it represents an ally in facing cancer therapy with a greater sense of self-awareness.
Race for the Cure Bologna was taking place in Bologna last weekend, from September 16th to 18th, 2022.
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